God brought the world into existence and
as the capstone of this good work,
he created people in his image so that
they could share in his overflowing
love, grace and goodness
through their relationships with the Trinity
The incarnate God endearingly calls his followers his “little flock,” denoting his intimate care and affection for them, and how cherished they are in his eyes. Jesus is sure to include the equally affecting assurance that his little sheep need not be afraid.
Motivation for advocating a gap theory.
Historically, no one ever found such a gap
between the two verses until science came up with millions of years
that supposedly needed to be explained.
Whether or not science is right,
the point is that we shouldn’t look for
ways in Scripture to explain it away.
Biblical passages must be taken in their own contexts.
One of the surest ways to come up with a bad
reading of a passage is to be looking for a meaning in it.
As well intentioned as gap proponents are,
I’m afraid they’ve done just that.
Their good intentions have turned out to be
the very thing that has caused their mistake.
Replacement Theology essentially teaches
that the church has replaced Israel in God's plan....
[it] teaches that the church is the replacement for Israel
and that the many promises made to Israel in the Bible
are fulfilled in the Christian
(Body of Christ) church,
NOT in Israel.
It cannot take place on earth because at the appearance of the Lord, the earth and the heaven will have fled away.
And it cannot take place in heaven because
no sinner can enter the presence of God there.
So, the Great White Throne Judgment takes place
somewhere between heaven and earth.
in Scriptures
- Not Contradictions - |
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